מחוייבים לאיכות החיים ולבריאות שלך

Sports and Chiropractic

Athletes around the world discover the usefulness of chiropractic not only for injuries, but also in addition tojmpt) Examine the use of chiropractic by groups in the American Football League (NFL) across the United States.
The article reported the results of the survey of coaches in the NFL for the use of chiropractic and directing the players for treatments. The survey participants were major athletics coaches in 36 American League football teams. They were all men, and they all had at least 17 years of experience, and served in their current group and at a minimum of one year.
The results of the survey showed that 45 percent of the artists themselves were treated by a chiropractor.
in The present, 31 of the NFL teams actively use chiropractors as part of their teams. In groups where the chiropractor is not part of the team,
77 from the coaches to the chiropractor for evaluation or treatment.
The most significant result of the survey is that 100 of the artists agree that some players use chiropractic without a referral from the group’s medical team.

A few other questions were questioned in the survey and the answers were as follows:

Do trainers need to direct players with a fear of a chiropractor?
5 of the coaches are very strongly agreed, 48 agree, 24 disagree, and 19 without an opinion.
Is there a role to the Chiropractor doctor in theNFL?
81 agrees that there’s a role for a chiropractor. AL, 5 highly agreed, 14 without an opinion, there was no one who refused.

Is the chiropractor’s role in sports different from that of the group doctor?

All (100) coaches see these roles completely different from each other.
In addition to the Han players. Al, many athletes from different sports are dependent on chiropractic treatments. One of these athletes is John Stockton, the NBAPlayer of the Utah Jazz team. On April 2, 2002, an article appeared in Toronto Star, in which the interviewer, Doug Smith, asked the secret to his longevity and success on the basket ball at the age of 40. John Stockton responded: “A good chiropractor.” When asked to explain his use of chiropractic he replied, “I am not a good enough expert to explain everything that the overall practice includes, but it is not just the directions of the spinal column, the chiropractic direction and muscle balance and body health at all.” John then added, “This is great for me and my family.”

Chiropractic-Body maintenance for all sports

The various sports fields such as football, basketball, tennis, handball, volleyball, ground gymnastics, judo, and other challenges the body in various loads and pressures.
Kick, bounce, tackle, bump, paddle racket, everyone can make the spinal column lose its natural balance and movement.
Some activities are one-sided and constantly on one side. Some of the loads are Aksialim (from top to bottom and the opposite of the spinal column). Fast running, constipation, direction changes, indication, falls, and other causes of loads on the spinal column and pelvis, and can also damage balance and movement. These activities can affect the most experienced athletes, how much and some of those who engage in a regular sport. Even the more subtle types of sports like walking, bicycles, trade mill, etc. can create micro-trauma damage which is an ongoing and repetitive activity over time publisher the body out of balance, only slower. More subtle sports activities like all sorts of things, walking or biking cannot be compared to the costs of American football, football or rugby, but also micro-trauma, caused by doing the same action many times, can take a long time to grind the body parts of the same hardware as tackle with a football player or Running and colliding with the wall.

Spinal Column – Body Center

The surgical treatment balances the spinal column and releases the nervous system from the biomechanical pressures, and the pressures generated by changes in the structure. Sporting injuries, almost always, turn the spine and cause the vertebrae to align. In fact, since the spinal column is in the center of the body, every trauma to the body affects it. Beating and going to the ribs, legs, head, shoulders, chest, and transmit the momentum toward the spinal column. For this reason, each person who deals with every sport requires a regular examination of the spinal column in order to ensure that this system remains balanced and free from pressure, free from movement in the joints and in a spinal cord. There is no doubt that the athlete functions in an optimal manner when the spinal column is balanced. This is why many professional and amateur athletes have put chiropractic into their training program and adhere to ongoing spine and chiropractic treatments.

Sport Chiropractors

The chiropractor in sports is especially interested in preventing injuries, treatment and maintenance of the body in proper posture, the reduction of life, vitality, and optimal functioning of the athlete at any time. Specific chiropractic tests are performed to assess the condition of the athlete and return it to optimal function. An assessment of fixation (fixation) in the spinal column, pelvis, extremities, and bio-mechanical function as they are related to giving a spinal discharge, are at a high level of importance. The emphasis in sports chiropractors is placed on optimal performance and prevention of injuries, especially when it relates to the perfection of the spinal column.

Precise analytical analysis at the Chiropractic clinic is done for measuring and evaluating the athletic ability of the athlete. This is done in order to accurately monitor the effects of the soap on the nervous system in particular and the body in general, and helps in adapting the specific athlete’s treatment. Chiropractic diagnostic techniques and specific X-rays provide important information about the vulnerability and imbalance in the pelvic structure and the spinal column that cause a decrease in performance and constitute a future injury.

Injury scenarios

Every week as we watch various sports competitions, we witness the athletes who are injured in front of our eyes or retire from one contest or another because their bodies are unable to carry a load, or a repeated injury leads them to the limit of their ability before the competition ends. There are always reasons for these phenomena, and the question is what causes them and why only chiropractic can answer this plane.

Example A:

A young soccer player develops knee pain that does not allow him to run or kick the ball.

The orthopedic solution is a CT test that does not show anything because the guy is only 16 years old. The next test is arthroscopy, which is considered a small surgery in which a camera and a small rodent device is inserted if something is removed. In the meantime, anti-inflammatory pills and painkillers are provided.
The likelihood of solving this problem in popular ways is to zero and the chances of damage to the future of the young athlete due to his knee excavations are much bigger than the experts find out. The bullets do not help because they do not treat the symptoms and do not relate at all to the cause of the problem. The father’s consultation with a number of orthopedist begets a result of 3:2 for the orthopedist that recommend surgery against those who recommend to avoid, but do not give an alternative solution except for rest and/or physical therapy. In short, there is no real solution.

It is necessary to perform a chiropractic examination and a spinal cord photograph and a pelvis while standing to discover how the spine and pelvis are placed in the space as they carry the weight of the body. Is there a lack of alignment or rotation in the pelvis?
We find that there is indeed an imbalance in the basin and the surgical test strengthens that the data affects the nervous system. The knee is tied to a neurologically fused vertebrae and is associated with the pelvic muscles. A change in the pelvic location changes the work path of the muscles that arrive below the knee. The muscles act as an equal tension in the knee joint, causing unequal pressure in the joints, and for an unbalanced and abrasive movement that activates a feeling of pain from the knee. The treatment includes the pelvic directions specific to the pelvis and the lumbar spine to balance the nervous system, pelvis, spinal column, and muscular system. After 3 weeks of chiropractic comes back player play and kick without limitation or any pain they have. We do not have any treatment with the footballer’s knee. The orthopedics in a narrow aspect of the knee condition only. We looked at the whole person.

Example in:

A former football player, still in good shape and muscle-built, reports severe pain in his neck, and also shows that his right trisepdium muscle is completely flat and does not evolve despite continuous weight training.

The orthopedic solution was anti-inflammatory pills and painkillers for neck pains. The problem of the right arm muscle was not presented to the doctor and he did not notice it. The bullets didn’t help. The pains of the neck were hartired. The patient was sent to physical therapy. The treatment did not help and the pains of the neck continued to be pungent.
At the Chiropractic clinic, the neck X-rays showed erosion at the bottom of the neck, as well as bending and back stretches of the neck showed a movement limit and locking of lower cervical vertebrae and upper back vertebrae. Chiropractic examination discovered a neurological problem and pressed nerves in the same area of the spinal column. It was the product of a few years of American football in college. The player was in a difficult and bumpy neck with countless times. This is a phenomenon of whiplash shot (Whiplash injury) as a person undergoes a car accident and sometimes athletes undergo several “road accidents” in training and games. This caused the use of the neck, and later for degeneration, burnout, and severe nerve pressure that caused muscular pains and atrophy.
Specific chiropractic directions changed the situation and influenced the nervous system. The kinetic direction freed the vertebrae and removed the pressure from the nerves. The nerve pressure was removed and possible to heal the tissues around. Four months later, the Trisepp muscle in the right arm was built as exemplary as in the left arm. The pains of the neck were missing long before that.

Example C:

An actor and a tennis coach loses its ability to play because of pain in the shoulder, neck, and lower back.

The orthopedic solution was to rest, anti-inflammatory pills and painkillers, cortisone injections for shoulder and physiotherapy treatments. Amazingly, no X-rays of the neck or shoulders were performed for diagnosis. The patient refused cortisone injections and claimed that the rest had not helped. After physical therapy, he felt the harm in his condition.
Many loads are required from the tennis player. Sharp movements for submission are shocking the shoulder joint, stretching the muscles, and smearing the neck. Movement of the body and slowing down when applying a ball, change of direction and bend the lower back area without a stop. It is necessary to examine the balancing of the entire spinal column, especially the cervical and lumbar region with the pelvis. Nerves that depart from the neck area are responsible for the muscles of the shoulder and the BICEP (sub-section of the neck) in the cervical vertebrae can damage and weaken the shoulder and arm muscles. The player is tired and misses more strokes after a short time. A vertebrae lock in the upper back area and a poor posture impair the flexibility of the muscles and the ranges of movement that are so necessary to reach the more distant and tougher bullets. Nerve pressure can cause blood flow, oxygen, food, and rapid fatigue of the muscles. Imbalance, rotation, or bias (the backbone of the spine) or locking of molten vertebrae cause pressure on the disks (cartilals), ligaments and muscles of the lower back with each movement, containment of movement, change of direction and bend.
Rest does not release a soap, vertebral lock and nerve pressure.
Bullets are not able to solve a mechanical problem and an imbalance in the nervous, muscular, and skeletal system.
It is necessary to examine the functioning of the body in three levels: potential, ability, and execution. The potential is always 100 percent. The ability exists if there is no spinal and neural system media interference. Execution depends on the level of ability and transfer of information. Physiotherapy works at the level of execution on muscle and movement ranges when the movements are both in and out (not specific and accurate). The level of execution depends on the backbone and neural system ability to withstand loads. Chiropractic allows this capability by removing the factors interfering with the media and improving the ability to adapt to loads. Skipping this stage and providing physiotherapy to improve execution prior to improving the ability can impair the functioning of the spinal column and to harm the situation. Physical therapy does not examine the anatomical condition (X-ray) and its effect on the nervous system and does not make any use of the sufferings and influence on health and strength of the entire body. This is a chiropractor’s specialty.
X-rays were found to be locking vertebrae in the neck area, upper and lower section and sub-waist vertebrae. Chiropractic examination revealed a biomechanical and neural imbalance. After three months of specific directions to the spine and directions to the right shoulder, we removed the nerve pressure, improved muscle and posture flexibility and allowed the tennis player to return to competitions regularly. Repairing and improving neural messaging (capability) allows performance to be increased to the potential level. That’s the specialty of chiropractic.

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